一代印记 The Legacy of a Generation

The Legacy of a Generation is an immersive stage play centered on the “Second Wave of Southward Migration,”which occurred between 1926 (the 15th year of the Republic of China) and 1937 (the 26th year of the Republic of China). This period witnessed large-scale migration due to widespread civil wars among warlords, internal conflicts between the Nationalists and Communists, frequent natural disasters, and the subsequent Japanese invasion of China. These crises triggered a significant migration wave to Southeast Asia.
The production selects iconic events and characters from the Southward Migration era, blending modern performance techniques with rich stagecraft. By integrating both drama and dance, it deeply resonates with audiences.
With history as its thread, land as its root, culture as its soul, drama as its emotion, dance as its form, and love as its foundation, The Legacy of a Generation weaves a grand emotional epic, reflecting the struggles and resilience ofthose who journeyed southward.

《一代印记》是以下南洋为题材的沉浸式舞台剧,讲述第⼆次下南洋的⼤规模时期 “1926年 ( ⺠国15年) ⾄1937年 ( ⺠国26年) 为第⼆次下南洋⼤规模时期, 由于军阀割据出现混战与国共内乱等影响, 导致中国各地内乱同天灾频繁, 后期⽇本趁势攻占中国。 最终亦导致出现第⼆次下南洋⼤规模迁徙现象。”作品选取下南洋⽂化中的典型事件, 典型⼈物, 结合现代的演艺创作⼿法、 丰富的舞台⼿段,结合戏剧和舞剧的表现形式, 直抵观众内⼼。以史为线、 以⼟为根、 以⽂为魂、 以剧动情、 以舞成型、 以爱为依, 书写⼀部反映下南洋⼈的波澜壮阔的情感史诗。

Show Time

Mon & Sun 周一和周日 2.30pm
Tues to Fri 周二至周五 8.30pm
Sat 周六 2.30pm & 8.30pm
Wed 周三 No Show

Ticket Price for Malaysian
Senior Citizen / Child / OKU: RM48 per ticket
Adult: RM78 per ticket

Ticket Price for Non-Malaysia
RM158 per for all categories